Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 997-1001.doi: 10.1007/s40242-019-9248-5

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Selective N-Alkylation of 2-Amino-4H-chromene-3-carbonitrile Derivatives with Alcohols Catalyzed by AlCl3 Under the Assistance of CH3COOH

ZHAO Bing1, HE Yuqian1, KAN Wei1, KONG Fengqiao1, WANG Liyan1, SONG Bo1, WANG Wenbo1, YIN Guangming1, WANG Jianxin2   

  1. 1. Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Institute, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar 161006, P. R. China;
    2. College of Material Science and Engineering, Qiqihar University, Qiqihar 161006, P. R. China
  • Received:2019-09-16 Revised:2019-10-28 Online:2019-12-01 Published:2019-11-29
  • Contact: ZHAO Bing, KAN Wei;
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.21506106, 21978410), the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, China(No.LC2017004), the Echelon Reserve Leader Fund for the Leading Talent of Heilongjiang Province, China, the Fundamental Research Project for Universities in Heilongjiang Province, China(Nos.135209209, 135209220, LTSW201735, YSTSXK201853, YSTSXK201859) and the Graduate Innovation Foundation of Qiqihar University, China (No.YJSCX2018-ZD18).

Abstract: A highly efficient and selective N-alkylation reaction of 2-amino-4H-chromene-3-carbonitrile derivatives using various alcohols as alkylation agent were developed in the presence of AlCl3 as a catalyst as well as CH3COOH as an additive, in which the cyano group kept inert and the amino group was alkylated in high yields. All the target products were characterized and determined by infrared(IR), 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and HRMS. And the X-ray structure of product 3ab was obtained. A bimolecular reaction mechanism catalyzed by AlCl3 was proposed under the assistance of CH3COOH.

Key words: N-Alkylation, Alcohol, AlCl3, CH3COOH