Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1997, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 150-156.

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Synthesis and Evaluation of Aromatic DTPA bis(amide) Gadolinium Complexes as Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents

ZHUO Ren-Xi, WEN Jie, WANG Lu   

  1. Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Biomedical Materials of the State Education Commission of China, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072
  • Received:1995-12-26 Online:1997-04-24 Published:2011-08-17
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the National 863 High Technology Project.

Abstract: Five DTPA bis(amide)s have been synthesized and characterized by means of 1H NMR, FT-IR and elemental analyses. The stability constants of their Gd3+ complexes have been measured using a simple spectrophotometric method. The results show that the complexing properties of the ligands in comparison with those of DTPA are affected by converting two carboxyl groups to amide groups. The relaxation studies have shown that the relaxivity of the chelates is similar to that of Gd-DTPA, indicating that in solution all the chelates have one water molecule directly coordinated to the metal ion. Only one water molecule in inner coordination sphere suggests the coordination of the carboxamide oxygen to gadolinium ion, which agrees with the FT-IR results.

Key words: Synthesis, Aromatic DTPA-bis(amide), Gadolinium, Relaxivity