Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 546-551.doi: 10.1007/s40242-021-1061-2

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Improved Method for the Total Synthesis of Azaperone and Investigation of Its Electrochemical Behavior in Aqueous Solution

Mohammad Javad TAGHIZADEH1, Maryam Saleh MOHAMMADNIA2, Masoumeh GHALKHANI3, Esmail SOHOULI4   

  1. 1. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Imam Hossein, Tehran, Iran;
    2. Drug Applied Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran;
    3. Electrochemical Sensors Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Lavizan, P. O. Box 1678815811, Tehran, Iran;
    4. Young Researchers and Elites Club, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  • Received:2021-02-16 Revised:2021-04-20 Online:2022-04-01 Published:2022-05-18
  • Contact: Esmail SOHOULI

Abstract: Azaperone, with anti-anxiety and anti-aggressive activities used in veterinary medicine, is a member of the butyrophenone class. It is ordinarily utilized for a wide range of indications, such as sedation, obstetrics, and anesthesia. In this research, an improved synthetic route is presented for azaperone using a phase-transfer catalyst(PTC). In general, it was synthesized as a dopamine antagonist in four steps. The bis(2-chloroethyl) amine intermediate is easily obtained after the conversion of the alcohol groups into the chloride leaving group using thionyl chloride(95% yields). The alkylation of commercially available 2-amino pyridine in the presence of PTC was then carried out, giving 1-(pyridin-2-yl) piperazine with 75% yield. 1-(Pyridin-2-yl) piperazine was finally alkylated using 4-chloro-1-(4-fluorophenyl) butan-1-one to achieve azaperone with 60% yield. The butyrophenone intermediate was obtained via the Friedel-Crafts reaction of fluorobenzene with 4-chlorobutyryl chloride in the presence of AlCl3. High efficiency, gentle reaction conditions, and fast and simple procedure are the advantages of this method. Also, the electrochemical oxidation behaviour of azaperone was investigated using cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry techniques. Cyclic voltammetric studies indicated an irreversible process for azaperone electro-oxidation with a peak potential of 0.78 V in a phosphate buffer solution(pH=7.0) vs. Ag/AgCl(saturated KCl) electrode. The value of the peak current vs. the azaperone concentration was enhanced linearly in the range of 10―70 μmol/L, and the detection limit was found to be 3.33 μmol/L.

Key words: Azaperone, Anesthetic drug, Chemical synthesis, Butyrophenone class, Electrochemical behavior