Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1990, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1): 28-31.

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Crystal and Molecular Structure of BiCl3(15-Crown-5)

Fan Yuepeng, Zhang, Wenxing, Wei Yunhe, Lu Chengxue   

  1. Deportment of Applied Chemistry, Shandong University, Jinan
  • Received:1989-05-22 Online:1990-01-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: Single crystals of complex BiCl3(15-crown-5) were synthesized by gel method, and the structure was solved from X-ray diffraction data by direct and Fourier methods. The crystal is orthorhombic, space group is P212121 with unit cell parameters:a=7.677(4), 6=13.254(6) and c=15.911(6)A , and Z=4. The final structural refinement converged with unweighted and weighted factors of 0.053 and 0.063 respectively for 1290 observed reflections. The structure consists of discrete BiCl3(15-crown-5) molecules in which bismuth atom is sandwiched between two essentially parallel planes, one of which contains five oxygen atoms and the other contains three chlorine atoms.

Key words: Crown ether, Bismth complex, Crystal structure