Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2005, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (3): 284-286.

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Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Novel Catena Co(Ⅱ) Complex Bridged by Biphenyl-2,2'-dicarboxylate Divalent Anion

MIAO Qian, HU Mao-lin, LI Xin-hua, XIAO Hong-ping   

  1. School of Chemistry and Materials Science, Wenzhou Normal College, Wenzhou 325027, P. R. China
  • Received:2004-12-13 Online:2005-05-24 Published:2011-08-06
  • Supported by:

    Support by the Instrument Analysis Fund of Zhejiang Province(No.04064) and the Zhejiang Provincial Technology Project Foundation of China(No.2004C32088).

Abstract: The title complex, [CO2(bpdc)2(bim)4]n(bpdc=biphenyl-2,2'-dicarboxylate dianion, bim=benzimidazole), was synthesized in a aqueous solution and its crystal structure was determined by means of X-ray diffraction. There are two different coordinated Co(Ⅱ) centers in the complex. The Co1 center has a deformed trigonal-bipyramidal geometry, while the CO2 center possesses a tetrahedral geometry. In addition, the two different coordination modes of bpdc ligands act as two kinds of bridges to link Co1 and CO2, resulting in a catena chain.

Key words: Cobalt(Ⅱ) complex, Biphenyl-2,2′-dicarboxylate, Benzimidazole, Crystal structure