Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1996, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 285-290.

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Mechanism of Methane Partial Oxidation over SiO2-Supported Nickel Catalyst

WANG Hai-you1,2, AU Chaktong1, WAN Hui-lin2   

  1. 1. Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong Baptist University, 224, Water Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong;
    2. The State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of the Solid Surface, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005
  • Received:1995-11-06 Online:1996-07-15 Published:2011-11-18
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council, UGC(HKBC 120/94P)

Abstract: The partial oxidation reaction of mathane over reduced 10wt%Ni/SiO2 catalyst was studied at 600, 650, 700℃ by means of pulse and bond-order conservation Morse-potential (BOC-MP) methods. In the oxidation reaction of surface carbon deposited on the catalyst, it was observed that the product selectivity was subject to the reaction temperature and the selectivity of CO was increased with rasing temperature of CH4/O2, the same trend between CO selectivity and reaction temperature was also observed, implying that the partial oxidation of methane to syngas follows the pyrolysis mechanism under the reaction conditions. The BOC-MP calculation on the elementary reaction steps over Ni(111) surface indicates that the direct dissociation of CH4 without the involvement of surface oxygen is more likely to occur and the formation of CO from CH(s) occurs more readily than from C(s).

Key words: Methane oxidation, Syngas, Nickel, Pulse, Bond-order conservation, Morse-potential (BOC-MP) approach