Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1990, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1): 7-13.

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Crystal and Molecular Structure of Guanidinium Pentamolybdobis (n-amylphosphonate)(CN3H6)4[(n-C5H11P)2Mo5O21]

Wang Xin1, Liu Benyao2, Ku Yihtong(Gu Yidong)2   

  1. 1. Centre of Analysis and Measurement, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou;
    2. Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai
  • Received:1989-12-28 Online:1990-01-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: The crystal structure of guanidinlum pentamolybdobis(n-ainylphcsphonate), which contains the longest carbon chain hitherto known, was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. It belongs to monoclinic, space group C2/c, Z=4, 0=18.857(2), b=12.170(1), c=18.294(2)λ.β=102.73(2), V=4095.2λ3.u= 140.34cm-1. The intensity data were collected on an Enraf-Nonius CAD4 diffractometer with MoKa radiation. The positions of all molybdenum and phosphorus atoms were determined by the direct method. The other non-hydrogen atoms were revealed by difference Fourier synthesis. The structure was refined by full-matrix least-squares procedure to a final Rvalue of 0.068. The structure of the anion is similar to [(CH2P)2Mo5O21]4-, [(NH3C2H4P)2Mo6O21]2-, [(n-C3H7As)2Mo5O21]4-, and [(C3H5As)2Mo6O21]4-. It consists of a ring of five distorted MoO, octahedra joined by edge-sharing, except for one pair which is joined by corner- sharing. The size of the Mo6O16 ring is close to those of [(CH3P)2Mo5O21]4- and [(NH2C2H4P)2Mo5O21]2- and much smaller than those of [(n-C2H7As)2Mo5O21]4-and [(C2H6As)2Mo6O21]4-. The symmetry of the anion, however, to the same at those of its arsenic con-seners [(n- C2H7As )2Mo5O21]4- and [(C3H5- As )2Mo5O21]4-, but different from those of [(CH3P)2Mo5O21]4-and [(NH3C2H4P)2Mo5O21]2-. The average bond angles O-P-Owere estimated on the basis of assuiming that anion [(RP)2Mo5O244-could be formed.

Key words: Crystal structure, Guanidinium pentamolybdobis(z-amylphosphonate), molybdenum