Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1989, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (1): 8-17.

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Synthesis and Characterization of Ti-ZSM-5 in a Non-alkaline Medium in the Presence of Fluoride Ions

Qiu Shilun, Pang Wenqin, Xu Ruren   

  1. Institute of Synthetic and Catalytic Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun
  • Received:1988-02-23 Online:1989-01-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: Ti-ZSM-5 was synthesized by hydro thermal crystallization in the presence of fluoride via using a non-alkaline medium. pH values were 57. SEM showed perfect Ti-ZSM-5 crystals and a large single crystal growing from the favourable medium. Substitution of titanium for silicon in the ZSM-5 framework led to a decrease of crystal size and of the length/width ratio. Electron microprobe analysis indicated a homogeneous distribution of titanium in the ZSM-5 framework. The unit cell parameters of the Ti-ZSM-5 determined by XRD increased with an increase in titanium content in the framework. TiO4tetrahedron vibrations were found in the IR spectrum. Si(1Ti) peakwas seen in the 29Si MAS NMR spectrum at -1O1ppm(from TMS) and 13CMAS NMR analysis verified the effect of (C3H7)4N+F- occluded in thechannels. XPS study on the precursors, calcined and H2O2 adsorbed Ti-ZSM-5 was performed and some interesting results were observed.

Key words: Ti-ZSM-5, Non-alkaline, Synthesis