Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 337-354.doi: 10.1007/s40242-021-0010-4

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Electrospinning Janus Nanofibrous Membrane for Unidirectional Liquid Penetration and Its Applications

HOU Lanlan1,2, LIU Jingchong2, LI Dianming2, GAO Yuan2, WANG Yaqiong2, HU Rongjun2, REN Wen1, XIE Shuixiang1, CUI Zhimin2, WANG Nü2   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Pollution Control, CNPC Research Institute of Safety and Environmental Technology, Beijing 102206, P. R. China;
    2. Key Laboratory of Bioinspired Smart Interfacial Science and Technology of Ministry of Education, Beijing Key Laboratory of Bioinspired Energy Materials and Devices, School of Chemistry, Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Biomedical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, P. R. China
  • Received:2021-01-06 Revised:2021-01-19 Online:2021-06-01 Published:2021-05-31
  • Contact: WANG Nü
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.21975007, 22005012, 21433012), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project(Nos.2020M680004, 2019M650431), the National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents of China(No.BX20190027), the Open Project Program of State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Pollution Control of China (No.PPC2019004), the CNPC Research Institute of Safety and Environmental Technology, and the China Petroleum Fundamental Scientific Research and Strategic Reserve Technology Research Fund Special Topic(No.2017D-5008).

Abstract: Janus membrane with opposite wettability on its two sides has witnessed an explosion of interest in the field of liquid spontaneous and directional transport for their promising prospect. The advances in fabrication technology and natural bionics have brought remarkable progress for the development of Janus mate-rials. Among the exciting progress, the micro/nanofabrication technique of electrospinning shows advantages in constructing thin porous fibrous membrane materials with controllable surface wettabi-lity and hierarchical structures. Here, a brief review of bioinspired Janus membrane for unidirectional liquid penetration fabricated by electrospinning is presented, and the underlying scientific mechanism is discussed with an emphasis on the materials design involving asymmetric surface wettability and micro-topology structure. An overview of recent emerging applications is also reviewed, with special attentions to liquid separation, water collection, distillation, and smart textile, etc. As researchers keep to develop more efficient strategies on designing new Janus membrane with higher performances, it has become increasingly important to understand the mechanism of liquid moving dynamics at the asymmetric interface in order to better recognize the scientific limitations currently hindering the field development. At last, the challenges currently faced and possible strategies on developing new Janus membranes for optimization and engineering in the future are proposed.

Key words: Electrospinning, Nanofiber, Janus membrane, Unidirectional penetration, Wettability gradient