Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1990, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (2): 130-134.

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Studies of Unusual Oxidation States of Transition Metals Ⅱ——Kinetics and Mechanism of Oxidation of Pyruvate by Diperiodatoargentate (Ⅲ)Ion

Shi Tiesheng, Wang Zhipu   

  1. Department of Chemistry,Hebei University,Baoding
  • Received:1989-07-03 Online:1990-04-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: The kinetics of oxidation of pyruvate by diperiodatoargentate(Ⅲ) ion (DPA) has been studied spec-trophotometrically in alkaline medium. It was found that the reaction order with respect to both DPAand pyruvate is unity and the rate equation can be expressed as -d[Ag(Ⅲ)]1/dl=k0[Ag(Ⅲ)]1·[CH3COCOO] The rate increases with the increase in [OH ] and decreases with the increase in [periodate]. There is a positive ionic strength effect in this reaction system. Amechanism has been proposed to explain the experimental results. The observed activation parameters are presented.

Key words: Pyruvate, Diperiodatoargentate(Ⅲ), Kinetics, Oxidation, Mechanism