Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 686-695.doi: 10.1007/s40242-020-0207-y

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Effect of Acid Treatment on Electrocatalytic Performance of PtNi Catalyst

GUO Ruihua1,2,3, QIAN Fei1,2, AN Shengli1,2, ZHANG Jieyu3, CHOU Kuo-Chih3, YE Jinyu4, ZHOU Zhiyou4   

  1. 1. School of Materials and Metallurgy, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, P. R. China;
    2. Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Advanced Ceramics and Device, School of Materials and Metallurgy, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, P. R. China;
    3. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, P. R. China;
    4. Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials, State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, P. R. China
  • Received:2020-06-25 Revised:2020-09-29 Online:2021-06-01 Published:2021-05-31
  • Contact: GUO Ruihua
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.51864040, 51974167) and the Natural Science Fund of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China(No.2018LH02006).

Abstract: In this paper, we describe the synthesis of the AC-PtNi/G catalysts with graphene as the carrier, via the alcohol reduction and the sulfuric acid treatment. The prepared catalysts were microscopically characterized by X-ray diffractometry(XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), electron spectroscopy(EDAX), and transmission electron microscopy(TEM). We tested the electrochemical performance of the prepared catalysts using an electrochemical workstation and in situ infrared spectroscopy(FTIR). The results showed that the acid-treated AC-PtNi/G catalysts had a more uniform dispersion and with the increased of treatment time, the particle size of the catalyst became smaller. And the electrocatalytic performance of the AC-PtNi/G-48h catalyst treated with sulfuric acid for 48 h was significantly better than that of the untreated PtNi/G catalyst. Its electrochemically active surface area was 76.63 m2/g, and the peak current density value for catalytic oxidation of ethanol was 1218.83 A/g, which was 10 times that of ordinary commercial Pt/C catalyst. The steady-state current density value of 1100 s was 358.77 A/g, and it has excellent anti-CO toxicity performance. It was determined that a sulfuric acid treatment controlled catalyst particle size and increased the electrocatalytic activity of the catalytic oxidation of ethanol.

Key words: Platinum, Graphene, Acid treatment, Particle size, Electrocatalytic oxidation