Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1988, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4): 77-83.

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Li+,Na+//Cl-,B4O72-—H2O Reciprocal Quaternary System Solubility Phase Diagrams

Ma Peichao, Chen Peiheng   

  1. Department of Chemistry, Northwest University, Xian
  • Received:1988-03-09 Online:1988-12-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: The solubilities, refraction indices and densities of saturated solution of Li+, Na+// Cl-,B4O72- -H2O reciprocal quaternary system at 0℃, 25℃ and 50℃ were determined by using isotherm method. Using total concentration of all the salts in solution as concentration coordinate(ordinate) the isothermal stereogram of solubility of the system was drawn. The results showed that the stable salt-pair of the system is Na2Cl2-Li2B4O7 and that there are two isothermal invariant points, eutonic ponit E and inversion point P corresponding to the eqilbria: solution (E)(这里有图片19880411-77-1.GIF)LiCl·H2O (at 25, 50℃) or LiCl·2H2O (at 0℃) + NaCl + Li2B4O7 · 3H2O and solution (P) + Na2-B4O7·1OH2O(这里有图片19880411-77-1.GIF)NaCl + Li2B4O7·3H2O and the crystallization fields ofborates are much larger than those of chlorides.

Key words: Reciprocal quaternary system, Phase diagrams, Isotherm