Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2012, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (6): 953-956.

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Peroxynitrite Scavenging Activities of Resveratrol and Piceid

ZHAO Guang-rong1, TIAN Li-li1, MA Qiong1, WANG Chang-song1, QIAO Bin1, ZHANG Jun-gang2, JI Xiang-wu2   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Systems Bioengineering, Ministry of Education, Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, P. R. China;
    2. Department of Cardiology, Weifang People’s Hospital, Weifang 261041, P. R. China
  • Received:2012-02-13 Revised:2012-04-09 Online:2012-11-25 Published:2012-11-09
  • Contact: ZHAO Guang-rong
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(Nos.2012CB721105, 2011CBA00802, 2007CB714301), the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.30873400) and the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China(No.20090032110015).


In vitro antioxidant activities of resveratrol and piceid against peroxynitrite(ONOO-) were examined by the inhibition of 3-nitrotyrosine formation. Trolox was used as a positive control. Resveratrol and piceid exhibited high ONOO--scavenging activities in a concentration dependent manner. The antioxidant activities(the concentration of test compound required to yield a 50% inhibition of tyrosine nitration, IC50) of resveratrol and piceid against ONOO- were (48.34±0.97) and (74.69±1.49) μmol/L, respectively. Compared with that of trolox[(105.40±1.16) μmol/L], their scavenging activities were 2.2- and 1.5-fold higher for resveratrol and piceid. Formation of nitro-resveratrol as shown by UV-Vis spectroscopy and liquid chromatography-tandom mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS) analysis indicates that resveratrol could directly scavenge ONOO- via nitration reaction. Our results demonstrate that foods and medicinal herbs with resveratrol and piceid as stronger ONOO- scavengers are valuable ingredients and have healthy application in preventing humans from peroxynitrite-mediated oxidative damage by scavenging peroxynitrite efficiently.

Key words: Resveratrol, Piceid, Peroxynitrite, 3-Nitrotyrosine, Antioxidant activity, Nitration reaction, Radical scavenging