Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2003, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (2): 190-195.

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Preparation of Er-Fe Alloy Films in Dimethylsulfoxide by Electrodeposition Method

LI Gao-ren, TONG Ye-xiang, LIU Guan-kun   

  1. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou 510275, P. R. China
  • Received:2002-04-17 Online:2003-04-24 Published:2011-08-06
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    Supported by the Thousand-Hundred-Ten Talent Project Foundation of Guangdong Province Education Office(No.00-079-421005) and State Key Lab of Rare Material Chemistry and Applications.

Abstract: Cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry were used to investigate the electrochemical behavior of Fe(Ⅱ) and Er(Ⅲ) in a LiClO4-DMSO(dimethylsufoxide) system at Pt and Cu electrodes. Experimental results indicate that the reductions of Fe(Ⅱ) to Fe(0) and Er(Ⅲ) to Er(0) were irreversible at Pt and Cu electrodes. The diffusion coefficient and the electron transfer coefficient of Fe(Ⅱ) in a 0.01 mol/L FeCl2-0.1 mol/L LiClO4-DMSO system at 303 K were 1.70×10-10 m2/s and 0.08 respectively, the diffusion coefficient and the electron transfer coefficient of Er(Ⅲ) in a 0.01 mol/L ErCl3-0.1mol/L LiClO4-DMSO system at 303 K were 1.47×10-10 m2/s and 0.108 respectively. The homogeneous, strong adhesive Er-Fe alloy films containing Er of 31.39%-42.12% in mass fraction with metallic lustre were prepared by potentiostatic electrolysis on a Cu electrode in a ErCl3-FeCl2-LiClO4-DMSO system at -1.75— -2.50 V(vs. SCE).

Key words: Electrodeposition, Dimethylsulfoxide(DMSO), Er-Fe alloy films, Diffusion coefficient, Electron transfer coefficient