Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1996, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (4): 326-331.

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Studies on the Stability of Four-membered Ring Chelates (Ⅳ)──Sulphur Coordinated Xanthate Complexes

ZUO Ben-cheng, YANG Yue-hui, ZHANG Xiao-ling, ZHU Hong-tao   

  1. Deparrment of Chemistry, Hebei University, Baoding, 071002
  • Received:1996-02-01 Online:1996-12-24 Published:2011-08-17

Abstract: Fifteen M(S2COR)n complexes were prepared.According to the data provided by IR,UV-Vis absorption spectrometry and X-ray diffraction,this paper covers the relationship between molecular structures of xanthate complexes and their absorption spectra and a criterion of chelate stability is also proposed.The stability mechanism of xanthate chelates and related rules were investigated.

Key words: Xanthate complex, Coordination structure, Absorption spectrum