Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1994, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (3): 244-249.

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The Adsorption Behavior of Lithium Cationon Polyacene and Its Influenceon Conductive Property

SU Zhong-min, WANG Rong-shun, JIANG Xiao-dong, SHI Zhong-liang, XIE De-min   

  1. Department of Chemistry, Northeast Hormal University, Changchun, 130024
  • Received:1993-11-15 Online:1994-08-24 Published:2011-08-17

Abstract: The adsorption beliavior of lithium cation (Li+) on the surface of polyacenesemiconductor (PAS) molecule was investigated using quantum chemistry MNDO and CNDO/2 methods.There are two stable adsorption sites of Li+ over C=C bond and benzene ring center of PAS.In the second site, adsorption energy is larg-er.Lithium adsorbed at other sites can easily migrate towards the two sites.Thecalculation of EHMO-CO energy band structures indicated that after lithium wasadsorbed at other different sites on the surface of PAS, the energy gap of the sys-tem had a little increase in most cases, but when Li+ was adsorbed at the hole site ,the energy gap had a little decrease, which is in favor of furtlier improvement ofconductive property.As an electrode material, the hole site may be the best site of Li+ being adsorbed and desorbed.

Key words: Polyacene, Lithium cation, Adsorption