Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2014, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 190-193.doi: 10.1007/s40242-014-3380-z

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Luminescent Properties of Terbium(Ⅲ) and Europium(Ⅲ) Complexes with Six 4-Acetyl-bispyrazolones

GOU Ruhu1,2, WANG Yaling1, YANG Rudong2, LAN Yan2   

  1. 1. Department of Chemistry and Life Science, Gansu Normal University for Nationalities, Hezuo 747000, P. R. China;
    2. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, P. R. China
  • Received:2013-09-10 Revised:2013-10-24 Online:2014-04-01 Published:2013-11-05
  • Contact: GOU Ruhu
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.29571013).


The lowest triplet energy levels of the six ligands(T) were determined to be 22989 cm-1[1,3-bis-(1'-phenyl-3'-methyl-5'-pyrazolon-4')-1,3-propanedione, BPMPTD], 23148 cm-1[1,4-bis-(1'-phenyl-3'-methyl-5'- pyrazolon-4')-1,4-butanedione, BPMPBD], 23419 cm-1[1,5-bis-(1'-phenyl-3'-methyl-5'-pyrazolon-4')-1,5-pentane-dione, BPMPPD], 23310 cm-1[1,6-bis-(1'-phenyl-3'-methyl-5'-pyrazolon-4')-1,6-hexanedione, BPMPHD], 21978 cm-1[1,9-bis-(1'-phenyl-3'-methyl-5'-pyrazolon-4')-1,9-nonanedione, BPMPND] and 21930 cm-1[1,10-bis-(1'-phenyl-3'-methyl-5'-pyrazolon-4')-1,10-decanedione, BPMPDD], respectively. It was explained satisfactorily that the six ligands are more efficient for sensitizing the luminescence of Tb3+ than that of Eu3+ at room temperature, and the order of the luminescent intensities for the Tb3+ complexes is explained by the relative energy gap between T and 5DJ of Tb3+ or Eu3+. As a conclusion, when 2700 cm-1E(T-5D4)<3000 cm-1, the luminescent intensity of the Tb3+ complex is the strongest. This means that the lowest triplet energy level of the ligand is a chief factor to dominate RE3+ luminescence.

Key words: Rare earth complex, Optical property, Luminescence