Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2011, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (3): 402-406.

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Adsorption Behavior and Mechanisms of Surfactants by Farmland Soils in Northeast China

CHEN Wei-wei, KANG Chun-li, WANG Ting-ting, LI Yue-ming, ZHANG Ying-xin, WEN Xin and GUO Ping*   

  1. Key Lab of Groundwater Resources and Environment, Ministry of Education, Key Lab of Water Resources and Aquatic Environment, Jilin Province, College of Environment and Resources, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, P. R. China
  • Received:2010-09-27 Revised:2011-01-24 Online:2011-05-25 Published:2011-04-29
  • Contact: GUO Ping
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the Jinlin Province Environmental Protection Bureau of China(No.2007-15) and “985 Engineering” Innovation Project for Graduate Student of Jilin University of China(No.20080246).

Abstract: The adsorption of two nonionic surfactants polyethylene glycol tert-octylphenyl ether Triton X-100 (TX-100), polyoxyethylene lauryl ether(Brij35) and an anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate(SDBS) by two soils(S1, S2) of different natures and their respective organic-matter-extracted samples(S3, S4) were investigated. These adsorption isotherms show different adsorption stages of different types of surfactants by soils. The data fitted Langmuir equation very well. The adsorption maximum capacity(Q0) indicates that TX-100 and SDBS were in the sequence of S3>S4>S1>S2 in adsorption, however, Brij35 was in the sequence of S4>S3>S1>S2 in adsorption. And the adsorption amounts of the different surfactants by soils followed the order of TX-100>Brij35>SDBS. Meanwhile, the adsorption of the nonionic surfactants TX-100 and Brij35 decreased with the increase of their ethylene oxide(EO) numbers. The results indicate that both soil organic matter and mineral played important roles in the adsorption of surfactants, and the adsorption of the surfactants by soils was affected by the physicochemical properties and structures of the soils and surfactants, especially the mineral type and content of soil.

Key words: Adsorption, Surfactant, Soil