Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2002, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (4): 389-392.

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FTIR Studies on NO Adsorption on [Co+Mg(Sr)]/ZSM-5

ZHU Chong-ye1, LEE C. W.2, CHONG P. J.2   

  1. 1. Editorial Department of Journal of Fudan University, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, P. R. China;
    2. KRICT, Taejon 305-606, Korea
  • Received:2001-08-23 Online:2002-12-24 Published:2011-08-04
  • Supported by:

    Supported by Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology Foundation.

Abstract: The adsorption of NO on [Co+Mg(Sr)]/ZSM-5 zeolites with different [Co+Mg(Sr)] contents was studied by means of FTIR spectroscopy. The dominant NO species adsorbed on [Co+Mg(Sr)]/ZSM-5 was found to be in a dinitrosyl form, as demonstrated by the IR bands at 1 813 and 1 896 cm-1. NO was adsorbed in a mononitrosyl form as shown in the region of 1 937-1 939 cm-1 as a minor species. Samples [Co+Mg(Sr)]/ZSM-5 showed a new band near 1 858 cm-1(w) attributable to the species of Co3O4-NO. It was found that zeolite [Co+Mg(Sr)]/ZSM-5 exhibits superior performance characteristics for SCR of NO molecules, and is promising as a useful catalyst. The typical catalyst [Co+Mg(Sr)]/ZSM-5 for SCR resulted from the collaboration of the metal alkalinity and the ionic radius of the metal(such as Mg or Sr).

Key words: Infrared spectroscopy, Nitric oxide, Adsorption, Mononitrosyl, Dinitrosyl, Cobalt oxide