Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1998, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4): 379-386.

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Synthesis and Photophysics of a Flavone Derivative with Lariat Ether as a Fluoroionophore

WANG Peng-fei, WU Shi-kang   

  1. Institute of Photographic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101
  • Received:1997-10-06 Online:1998-12-24 Published:2011-08-17

Abstract: A new kind of fluoroionophore——a flavone derivative linked to 12-crown-4 was synthesized and char acterized.The spectroscopy and photo physical behavior of the fluor oionophore for its complexation with different cations were investigated.The complexation causes a significant change of spectro scopy and photophysical properties and is attributable to the enhancement of the cation-induced intramo lecular charge transfer via directinter action of the cation bound to the crown and the carbonyl group of flavone.Based on the determination of the stability constant,the selectivit y for Ca2+ was found in the fluoroiono phore,which was totally different from the parent crown——12-crown-4.That could tentatively account for the high selectivity.It might be valuable for designing the new fluor oionophore linked crown.

Key words: Molecular recognition, Lariat crown ether, Fluoroionophore, Flavone derivatives