Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1992, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (1): 37-40.

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Corn Umbilicus Tissue-Based Membrane Biosensor for Pyruvate

Fang Yao1, Cai Ronghui1, Zhang Yonghua1, Deng Jiaqi2   

  1. 1. Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Changchun;
    2. Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai
  • Received:1990-12-12 Online:1992-01-24 Published:2011-09-09
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China

Abstract: Pyruvate, a final metabolite of glycogen, is widely distributed over many kinds of tissue fluids of human bodys. The determination for its contents is of clinical importance in gynaecology. Titrimetry, colorimetry and chromatography are common used methods. In recent years, enzymatic mthod has proved to be one of the most important determination techniques for its simplicity and fastness. However, in some cases, the use of purified enzymes as biocatalysts yields systems with a short useful lifetime owing.

Key words: Pyruvate, Decarboxylase, Tissue-based membrane electrode, Biosensor.