Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1990, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (2): 141-148.

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Investigation of Mechanisms About Effects of Promoters P2O5,K2O and Al2O3 on Oxidation of o-Xylene to Phthalic Anhydride

Zheng Xiaoming, He Weilian, Yuan Xianxin, Zhou Lichua, Jin Songshou   

  1. Department of Chemistry, Hangzhau University, Hangzhau
  • Received:1989-09-21 Online:1990-04-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: We succeeded in designing an effective catalyst, V2O5-P2O5-K2O/Al2O3. SiO2, by which a high yield of PA,105wt% can be gained in middle-sized industrial fluidized bed apparatus without addition of any promoting gas.The mechanisms of effects of P2O5, K2Oand Al2O3 on the surface properties of V2O5 were investigated by means of TPDand XRD. And the selectivity of oxidation are explained.Addition of a great deal of P2O5 restrains the activity of donating surface oxygen from V2O5, but increases the number of sites which donate surface oxygen. Addition of K2Opromotes donation of surface oxygen from V2O6, and decreases the number of sites of donating oxygen, on the other hand, addition of K|Omakes the surface structure of V2O5 catalysts more stable. Coating a small amount of Al2O2 onto support, SiO2, restrains the activity of donating oxygen and increases the number of sites of donating surface oxygen from V2O5.

Key words: Catalyst, Oxidation, Phthalic anhydride, o-Xylene