Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1990, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (1): 67-72.

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Kinetic Studies on Ligand Substitution Reactions of Metallothioneins with DTPA and EDTA

Li Rongchang, Gao Fei, Wang Kui   

  1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Beijmg Medical University, Beijing
  • Received:1989-12-04 Online:1990-01-24 Published:2011-09-09
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    This study was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Abstract: Cd, Zn-thionelns were isolated from the rat liver by improved Winge method and purified further. The composition was determined. The mobilization of Cd ions from the Cd, Zn-metallothioneins was studied with spectrophotometric method. The results show that the reaction of DTP Aor EDTAwith Cd, Zn-thioneins occurs through three steps. The first step follows pseudo-first order reaction with association mechanism. The formation constants and the dissociation rate constants of the relevant intermediate ternary complexes and apparent rate constants, Kapp were determined. The properties and structure of Cd, Zn-thioneins and ligands with low molecular weights affect the values of Kapp.

Key words: Metallothionein, Substitution reactions, Kinetics