Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1989, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (3): 199-205.

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Studies on Redox Properties of Heteropoly Compounds Containing Rare Earth Elements

Wang Enbo, Lu Xinghong, Zhao Shiliang, Liu Jingfu, Zhang Baojian   

  1. Defartment of Chemistry, Northeast Normal University, Changchun
  • Received:1988-09-20 Online:1989-08-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: The redox properties of four series of more than one handred acids and salts of rare earth heteropoly compounds, such as LnHSiMo12O40, In (PMo11 O39)211-, Ln (PW11 O39)211-, Ln (AsW11 O39)211-, Ln(GeW11O39)213-, Ln(BW11O39)215-, Ln(GaW11O39)216-, Ln(P2Mo17O61)217-, Ln (As2W17O61)217-, Ln2P2Mo18O62and Ln2HP2Mo17VO62(Ln=La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, etc. ) which have Keggin, Daw-son and their derivative structures, were studied by means of potentiometric titration, polarography and cy-clovoltammetry. The mechanisms of the redox reactions were supposed-and the orders of redox ability of the heteropoly compounds were concluded. The periodic changes in reduction potentials of Ln(PMo11O39)211-and Ln(P2Mo17O61)217- with Ln atomic numbers, and the correlation between E1/2 of Ln(XMo11O39)2n-(X =P, Ge, Si) and nq2(n is the main quantum number of the central atoms and q is their charges) were found.

Key words: Redox, Rare earth, Heteropolyanions