Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1989, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (1): 34-40.

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The Adsorption and Photocatalytic Decomposition of Citric Acid on Pt/TiO2

Cai Naicai, Jian Cuiying, Dong Qinghua   

  1. Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University, Wuhan
  • Received:1988-03-22 Online:1989-01-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: The adsorption and photocatalutic decomposition of citric acid on both Pt/TiO2 powder and n-TiO2 single crystal electrode were studied in aqueous solutions of various pH. It was found that citrate ions were chemisorbed on TiO2, which could increase the interfacial capacity and the filling factor of photocurrent-potential curves. The quantity of adsorption, slope of mott-Shottky plot and the rate of photocatalytic decomposition of citric acid were found to depend strongly on pH of solution. The phot ocatalytic decomposition of citric acid was discussed in light of its adsorption on TiO2.

Key words: Adsorption, Photocatalytic decomposition, Citric acid, Titanium oxide