Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 3-12.doi: 10.1007/s40242-023-2337-5

• Review • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Self-assembled Supramolecular Artificial Transmembrane Ion Channels: Recent Progress and Application

LUO Yichen, ZHU Canhong, ZHANG Tianlong, YAN Tengfei, LIU Junqiu   

  1. College of Material, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Key Laboratory of Organosilicon Chemistry and Material Technology, Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Organosilicon Material Technology, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, 311121, P. R. China
  • Received:2022-12-11 Online:2023-02-01 Published:2023-02-02
  • Contact: YAN Tengfei, LIU Junqiu;
  • Supported by:
    This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.22161142015, 22105056).

Abstract: Natural protein channels have evolved with fantastic spatial structures, which play pivotal physiological functions in all living systems. Learning from nature, chemical scientists have developed a myriad of artificial transmembrane ion channels by using various chemical strategies, among which the non-covalent supramolecular ion channels exhibit remarkable advantages over other forms(e.g., single-molecule ion channel), which exhibited facile preparation methods, easier structural modification and functionalization. In this review, we have systematically summarized the recent progress of supramolecular self-assembled artificial transmembrane ion channels, which were classified by different self-assembly mechanisms, such as hydrogen bonds, π-π interactions, etc. Detailed preparation process and self-assembly strategies of the supramolecular ion channels have been described. Moreover, potential biomedical applications of the supramolecular ion channels have also been carefully discussed in this review. Finally, future opportunities and challenges facing this field were also elaborately discussed. It is anticipated that this review could provide a panoramic sketch and future directions towards the construction of novel artificial ion channels with novel functions and biomedical applications.

Key words: Self-assembly, Supramolecular, Artificial ion channel, Biomedical application