Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 902-911.doi: 10.1007/s40242-016-6056-z

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Synthesis, Structural Study and Phase Transitions Characterization by Thermal Analysis and Vibrational Spectroscopy of an Ammonium Rubidium Arsenate Tellurate

GHORBEL Khouloud1, LITAIEM Hajer1, KTARI Lilia1, GARCIA-GRANDA Santiago2, DAMMAK Mohamed1   

  1. 1. Laboratoire de Chimie Inorganique(LCI), Université de Sfax, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, BP 1171 Sfax 3000, Tunisia;
    2. Laboratoire de Chimie Physique et Analytique, Faculté de Chimie, Université d'Oviedo, Oviedo 33006, Espagne
  • Received:2016-02-17 Revised:2016-03-22 Online:2016-12-01 Published:2016-04-25
  • Contact: GHORBEL Khouloud,
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research of Tunisia and Spanich(No.MINECOMAT2013-40950-R) and the European Regional Development Fund.


The Rb2.42(NH4)0.58(HAsO4)(H2AsO4)·Te(OH)6 crystals(denoted by RbNAsTe) crystallize in the monoclinic system, space group P21/n with the following parameters:a=1.3059(5) nm, b=0.6755(3) nm, c=1.6675(6) nm, β=94.126(4)°, Z=4 and V=1.46733(10) nm3. Thermal analyses(DSC, DTA and TG) confirm the presence of the phase transition and the temperature of the decomposition. The vibrational spectroscopy study at room temperature show the presence and the independence of anionic groups, cationic groups, and give more importance to the hydrogen bonds. Raman spectra were recorded in the temperature range of 298-503 K. The temperature dependence of the Raman line shift, intensity reduction and the half width detects the phase transitions and confirms their nature. So, the phase transition at 453 K corresponds to the superprotonic-ionic conduction phase transition, and those at 483 and 491 K correspond to the decomposition of our material.

Key words: RbNAsTe, X-Ray diffraction, Differential scanning calorimetry, Phase transition, Raman spectrometry