Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2012, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 264-268 .

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Effect of HMGA2 shRNA on the Cell Proliferation and Invasion of Human Colorectal Cancer SW480 Cells In vitro

XU Guang-meng, ZHANG Hai-na, TIAN Xiao-feng, SUN Mei, FANG Xue-dong   

  1. The Second Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun 130041, P. R. China
  • Received:2011-09-29 Revised:2011-10-14 Online:2012-03-25 Published:2012-03-08

Abstract: High mobility group A2(HMGA2) protein is a small nonhistone chromosomal protein that can modulate transcription of an ample number of genes. Many previous studies demonstrate that up-regulation of HMGA2 expression occurrs in many kinds of cancers including colorectal cancer, suggesting that HMGA2 might play a critical role in the progression of various tumors. However, the exact role of HMGA2 in colorectal cancer has not been determined. To verify the essential role of HMGA2 in the growth and invasiveness of colorectal cancer, HMGA2 expression was down-regulated by RNA interference(RNAi) in SW480 cells. We observed that the knockdown of HMGA2 led to the significant inhibition of proliferation and invasion of SW480 cells in vitro. These results suggest that HMGA2 might play a crucial role in the progression of colorectal cancer, and be a potential therapeutic target for human colorectal cancer.

Key words: High mobility group A2(HMGA2), RNA interference(RNAi), Proliferation, Invasion, Colorectal cancer