Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2006, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (6): 671-674.doi:

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Preparation and Luminescence Behavior of CaSiO3∶Eu3+(Bi3+)

YANG Jing-hai1, LIU Wen-yan1, 2, YANG Li-li1,3, ZHANG Yong-jun1, WANG Ya-xin1 and FAN Hou-gang1

    1. Institute of Condensed State Physics, Jilin Normal University, Siping 136000, P. R. China;
    2. Department of Mathematics and Physics, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, Jilin 132022, P. R. China;
    3. Key Laboratory of Excited State Processes, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130033, P. R. China
  • Received:2006-06-23 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2006-11-25 Published:2006-11-25
  • Contact: YANG Jing-hai


CaSiO3:Eu3+0.08Bi3+0.002 with a monoclinic perovskite structure was synthesized by using sol-gel method, and its luminescence characteristics were investigated. From the excitation spectrum, it can be seen that the main peaks located at 238, 396, 415, 437 and 359 nm correspond to the charge-transfer band of Eu3+—O2-, the absorption transitions of 7F0,15L6, 7F05D3, 7F15D3 of Eu3+ ions, and 3P11S0 of Bi3+ ions, respectively. When the samples were excited with a light of wavelength 359 or 395 nm, it can be seen from the emission spectrum that the electronic dipole transition located at 609 nm corresponding to 5D07F2 of Eu3+ ions was stronger than the magnetic dipole transition located at 587 nm corresponding to 5D07F1 of Eu3+ ions, which shows that more Eu3+ ions were located in nonreversion center lattices. The energy transfer from Bi3+ ions to Eu3+ ions in the phosphor was also discussed. The results show that Eu3+ ions could be well sensitized by Bi3+ ions, and the energy-transfer pattern between Bi3+ ions and Eu3+ ions was resonance energy transfer.

Key words: CaSiO3, Luminescence characteristic, Sensitization, Sol-gel method