Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2005, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 419-422.

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Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Characterization of α-(1-Benzimidazolyl)-hypnone Cobalt(Ⅱ) Complex:[CoCl(C7H5N2CH2COPh)4]Br

JIAN Fang-fang, SUN Ping-ping, XIAO Hai-lian, ZHAO Pu-su   

  1. New Materials & Function Coordination Chemistry Laboratory, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266042, P. R. China
  • Received:2004-09-08 Online:2005-07-24 Published:2011-08-06
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(No.Y2002B06).

Abstract: The crystal structure of [CoCl(C7H5N2CH2COPh)4]Br has been determined by means of X-ray crystallography. The molecular structure consists of a discrete [CoCl(C7H5N2CH2COPh)4]+ cation and one Br- anion. In the [CoCl(C7H5N2CH2COPh)4]+ cation, the coordination geometry of the central Co atom is square-pyramidal with four tertiary N atoms of benzimidazole from four α-(benzimidazol-1-yl)-hypnone ligands in the basal position and one chloride anion in the apical position. In the solid state, [CoCl(C7H5N2CH2COPh)4]+ and Br- anion possess intermolecular and intramolecular interactions, which stabilize the crystal structure. The characterization of the title compound were also carried out by using elemeutal analysis, FTIR, UV spectrometries and TG-DSC.

Key words: α-(1-Benzimidazolyl)-hypnone ligand, Cobalt(Ⅱ) complex, Mixed Cl- and Br- anion, TG-DSC