Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2003, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 409-412.

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Construction and Application of a PVC Membrane Enoxacin Ion-selective Electrode Based on a Needle-shaped Inner Reference Electrode

HUANG Chao-lun, LI Rui-fen, XIU Rong   

  1. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang 050017, P. R. China
  • Received:2002-12-04 Online:2003-12-24 Published:2011-08-06

Abstract: A PVC membrane enoxacin ion-selective electrode based on a needle-shaped inner reference electrode was prepared. A Ag/AgCl wire was used as the substrate of this electrode. It was previously coated with a thin sheet of urea-formaldehyde resin containing Cl- ions to form a needle-shaped inner reference electrode, then the inner reference electrode was coated with a thin sheet of a PVC membrane containing an enoxacin tetraphenylborate ion-pair complex. The influences of various ion-pair complexes, concentrations of the active components in the membrane and the plasticizers on the performance of the electrode were studied by orthogonal design. The linear response range of the electrode was 7.9×10-5-1.0×10-2 mol/L. The detection limit was 2.0×10-5 mol/L. The slope was 30.4 mV/decade(25 ℃). The electrode can be used for the potentiometric determination of enoxacin tablets directly. The average recovery was 100.4%, and the RSD was 0.9%. The results agreed with those determined by the method in Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

Key words: Enoxacin, PVC membrane-coated-wire electrode, Ion-selective electrode, Content determination