Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1998, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 254-258.

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Synthesis, Characterization and Catalysis of New Pillared Anionic Clays by [GaW11O39M(H2O)]7-(M=Mn2+,Co2+ or Ni2+)

ZHU Zhi-ping, PENG Wan-pu, ZHOU De-feng, LIU Jing-fu   

  1. Department of Chemistry, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024
  • Received:1997-12-31 Online:1998-08-24 Published:2011-08-17
  • Supported by:

    Supportedbythe National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Abstract: Pillared anionic clays or layered double hydroxides were prepared by means of hydrothermal ion exchange reaction of [Zn2Al(OH) 6]NO3· x H2O (ZnAl NO3) with [GaW11 O39 M(H2O)]7- (abbreviated as GaW11 M, M=Mn2+ , Co+2 or Ni2+). The layered compounds were characterized by means of XRD, IR, elemental analysis and DTA. The X-ray diffraction and IR spectra show that the new anionic clays synthesized are layered compounds with the gallery heights of 0.99-1.00 nm and the Keggin structure tungstogallic heteropolyanions almost completely replace the interlayer NO3-, entering the layer and retain their Keggin structure. The DTA gives a thermostability order of ZnAl GaW11 Ni >ZnAl-GaW11 Co>ZnAl-GaW11 Mn>ZnAl-NO3. The ctalytic tests showed that the new pillared compounds have higher catalytic activities in the cyclooxidation reaction of maleic acid.

Key words: Heteropolyanion, Intercalation, Pillared clay, Epoxidation