Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1993, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (4): 324-328.

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Electroredox Behavior of Novel Poly viol ogens Modified Electrodes

LIANG Zhao-xi, YAN Ze-gui, HE yi   

  1. Institute of Polymer Science, Zhongshan Unversity, Guangzhou, 510275
  • Received:1993-02-23 Online:1993-12-24 Published:2011-08-17
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China

Abstract: The electroredox behavior of novel modified electrodes coated with complexes of different polyviologens was investigated using cyclic voltammetry. The influences of compositions of electrolyte complex on the reversibility of the modified electrode and the electrochromic properties were studied also. It was found that all the ratios of integrated charges of cathodic to anodic scan (Qc/QA) are close to 1, which indicates that these modified electrodes have good reversible behavior. Repeated stepping over the first wave for 500 scans, the PSS-PX(p)V modified electrode showed excellent stability. The first reduction potential (E1), decrease of current height (Dec%), response time (tre tox) of various polyviologen modified electrodes were reported. In addition, the effect of the coverage of polyviologen on the electrode surface was also examined. The rate of electron transfer in this heterogeneous system is diffusion-controlled, consistent with the Conttrell equation.

Key words: Polyviologen, Polyionic complex, Electroredox, Modified electrode, Elec-trochromic property