Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1989, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (4): 282-287.

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Synthesis and Structure of Dibenzoyl-bissemicarbazone Neodymium(Ⅲ) Perchlorate

Huang Ling1, Huang Chunhui1, Xu Guangxian1, Zheng Qitai2, He Cunheng2   

  1. 1. Research Centre of Rare Earth Chemistry, Beijing University, Beijing;
    2. Institute of Pharmacology, Chinese Academy of Medical Science, Beijing
  • Received:1989-03-27 Online:1989-12-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: A new Schiff base Dibenzoyl-bissemicarbazone C15H16N6O2(L) and its complex with neodymium(Ⅲ ) perchlorate [NdC(H2O)24)33.The final standard deviation R=0.0919.In the complex Nd is coordinated by four nitrogen and six oxygen atoms, of which four nitrogen and four oxygen atoms are provided by two neutral ligands L, and the other two oxygen atoms are provided by two water molecules, forming a ten-coordinated complex cation, which the perchlorate groups exist in the outer sphere.The coordination polyhedron takes a bicapped anti-square prism arrangement.

Key words: Dibenzoyl-bissemicarbazone, Schiff base, Single crystal X-ray diffraction