Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1989, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (3): 261-264.

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Kinetics of the Reaction of Abstracting Hydrogen from Ethylene by Hydrogen Atom

Ye Song, Dai Shushan   

  1. Department of Chemistry, Yunnan University, Kunming
  • Received:1988-12-06 Online:1989-08-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: Hydrogen abstraction reaction, H+C2H4 ——H2+C2H2 was studied by using A initio SCF method. Ge-ometries were fully optimized at SCF level and energies were computed at STO-3G basis set for reactants and transition state. Vibrational analysis was performed thereupon. Finally, the rate constant calculations were carried out at different temperatures for all range of reaction temperature according to Eyring's sbwlute reaction rate theory. The calculated activation energy is 12. 68 kcal/mol, lower than observed value (H. S kcal/mol) by 1. 82 kcal/mol only. The agreement of the calculated rate constants with the experiments is satisfactory.

Key words: Hydrogen abstraction reaction, Transition state, Rate constant