Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1988, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (2): 25-30.

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Photoacoustic Spectrometry Investigation and Determination of Rare Earth Ions Ho3+ and Nd3+ in a Solution

Yan Hongtao, Deng Yanzhuo, Zeng Yun'e   

  1. Department of Chemistry, the Centre of analysis and Measurement, Wuhan University, Wuhan
  • Received:1986-12-17 Online:1988-04-24 Published:2011-09-09

Abstract: A home-made high sensitive photoacoustic transducer was used to determine the photoacoustic signal in a solution. The photoacoustic spectra of Ho3+ in different solvents were measured and comparedwith its absorption spectrum. The affection factors of photoacousticsensitivity are discussed. The trivalent rare earth ions Ho3+ and Nd3+ in an aqueous acetonitrile solution were determined. The detection limit is 5×10-8 mol/L for Ho3+ and 1.0 ×10-7 mol/L for Nd3+, and corresponds to the absorbance of 1.5×10-7 and 6.3×10-7,respectively.

Key words: Photoacoustic spectrometry, Rare earth