Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 478-484.doi: 10.1007/s40242-019-8353-9

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Combined QSAR/QSPR, Molecular Docking, and Molecular Dynamics Study of Environmentally Friendly PBDEs with Improved Insulating Properties

LIU Sicheng, SUN Shijun   

  1. School of Environment, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130117, P. R. China
  • Received:2018-11-07 Revised:2018-12-24 Online:2019-06-01 Published:2019-03-27
  • Contact: SUN Shijun

Abstract: To improve the insulating properties of polybrominated diphenyl ethers(PBDEs), we studied the molecular structures and energy gap(Eg) values of 209 PBDEs using a three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship(3D-QSAR) model, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics. We also analyzed the interaction mechanisms of PBDEs using a 2D-QSAR model, molecular substitution characteristics, and molecular docking. The 3D-QSAR model showed that the 2-, 4-, 5-, and 6-positions significantly influenced the PBDE insulating properties. Using BDE-34 as a template molecule, we designed six derivatives with 0.47%-28.44% higher insulation than BDE-34. Compared with BDE-34, the stability and flame retardancy of the above six derivatives were not adversely affected. These derivatives, except for 2,6-cyanomethyl-BDE, 2-cyanomethyl-BDE, and 2-aminomethyl-BDE, were more toxic and biodegradable than BDE-34, but showed weaker bioaccumulation and migration abilities than BDE-34. Mechanism analysis showed that the highest occupied orbital energy, the most negative charge, and the dipole moment were the main quantitative parameters that affected the PBDE insulating properties. PBDE insulation gradually decreased as the number of Br atoms increased. The level of similarity between the substitution patterns on the two benzene rings was significantly correlated with PBDE insulation, with hydrophobic groups having a more significant effect on PBDE insulation.

Key words: Polybrominated diphenyl ether, High insulation, Three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship, Molecular docking, Molecular dynamics, Molecular modification