Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 951-957.doi: 10.1007/s40242-017-7101-2

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Design of L-Cysteine Functionalized Au@SiO2@Fe3O4/Nitrogen-doped Graphene Nanocomposite and Its Application in Electrochemical Detection of Pb2+

NIE Jing1, HE Bin1, CHENG Yanmei1, YIN Wei1, HOU Changjun2, HUO Danqun2, QIAN Linlin1, QIN Yunan1, FA Huanbao1   

  1. 1. National-municipal Joint Engineering Laboratory for Chemical Process Intensification and Reaction, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, P. R. China;
    2. Key Laboratory of Biorheology Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Bioengineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, P. R. China
  • Received:2017-03-16 Revised:2017-06-02 Online:2017-12-01 Published:2017-06-21
  • Contact: YIN Wei,;FA Huanbao,;
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.31101284), the Graduate Research and Innovation Foundation of Chongqing, China(No.CYS17017), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (Nos. CQDXWL-2012-034, CQDXWL-2012-035, CDJPY12220001) and the Chongqing University Student Research Training Program, China(Nos.CQU-SRTP-2015497, CQU-SRTP-2015502).

Abstract: A novel magnetic electrochemical sensor was designed for determination of lead ions based on gold nanoparticles(AuNPs)@SiO2@Fe3O4/nitrogen-doped graphene(NG) composites functionalized with L-cysteine. The Au@SiO2@Fe3O4/NG was synthesized by the electrostatic adsorption between AuNPs and SiO2-coated Fe3O4NPs(SiO2@Fe3O4) and the amide bond between Au@SiO2@Fe3O4 and NG. L-Cysteine was successfully functionalized on the surface of Au@SiO2@Fe3O4/NGnanocomposites via the S-Au bond between L-cysteine and AuNPs. Owing to numerous active sites in L-cysteines and high conductivity of Au@SiO2@Fe3O4/NG composites, the proposed electrochemical sensor exhibited a well-distributed nanostructure and high responsivity toward Pb(Ⅱ). The sensor linearly responded to Pb2+ concentration in the range of 5-80 μg/L with a detection limit of 0.6μg/L, indicating that this L-cysteine functionalized Au@SiO2@Fe3O4/NG composite could be a promising candidate material for the detection of Pb2+.

Key words: Electrochemical sensor, Lead, Nitrogen-doped graphene, Au@SiO2@Fe3O4, L-Cysteine