Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2012, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 142-146.

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Alumina Solubility in Na3AlF6-K3AlF6-AlF3 Molten Salt System Prospective for Aluminum Electrolysis at Lower Temperature

LI Jie, YUAN Chang-fu, TIAN Zhong-liang*, WANG Jia-wei, LAI Yan-qing, LIU Ye-xiang   

  1. School of Metallurgical Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, P. R. China
  • Received:2011-02-23 Revised:2011-04-01 Online:2012-01-25 Published:2011-12-27
  • Contact: Zhong-Liang TIAN
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(No.2005CB623703) and the National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China(No.2008AA030503).

Abstract: The alumina solubility in the title system within the composition range of KR{m(K3AlF6)/[m(K3AlF6)+ m(Na3AlF6)]} 10%―50%, a ternary Na3AlF6-K3AlF6-AlF3 molten system with 23%―29%(mass fraction) AlF3 was investigated by measuring the mass loss of a rotating sintered corundum disc. And the following empirical equation was derived when superheat degree was no more than 60 ℃: w(Al2O3)sat=A×(T/1000)B, where A= –1.85774+ 26.754234w(AlF3)–0.3683–0.00783KR2.363+0.010266KR2.3048+0.7902w(AlF3)0.00652, B=112.4625–53.2567w(AlF3)0.4236+ 5.1079w(AlF3)0.9241+0.01542w(AlF3)1.3540. Considering both higher alumina solubility and not too high superheat degree are required, alumina solubility of different compositions at not the same temperature but the same superheat degree was studied, which will be more industrial helpful for selecting prospective compositions. The results show that the composition deserved to be further tested in lower temperature cells is 10%―30% KR and 23%―26%(mass fraction) AlF3.

Key words: Alumina solubility, Lower temperature electrolyte, Na3AlF6-K3AlF6-AlF3 molten salt system, Aluminum electrolysis