Heterotactic Enthalpic Interactions of L-Arginine with 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol in Aqueous Solutions at 298.15, 303.15 and 310.15 K
ZHU Yan1*, PANG Xian-hong1 and YU Li2
1. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Taishan Medical University, Tai’an 271016, P. R. China;
2. Key Laboratory of Colloid and Interface Chemistry, Ministry of Education, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, P. R. China
Supported by the Natural Scientific Foundation of Shandong Province, China(No.Z2007B03) and the Doctoral Fund of the Ministry of Education of China(New Teachers Fund)(No.070422047).
ZHU Yan*, PANG Xian-hong and YU Li. Heterotactic Enthalpic Interactions of L-Arginine with 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol in Aqueous Solutions at 298.15, 303.15 and 310.15 K[J]. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2011, 27(1): 123-126.