Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2009, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (4): 564-568.

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Synthesis, Characterization and Standard Molar Formation Enthalpy of [Sm(C7H5O3)2(C4H6NO2S)]?2H2O

LI Xu, YANG De-jun, LI Qiang-guo*, LI Ai-tao, YE Li-juan and JIANG Jian-hong   

  1. Department of Chemistry and Life Science, Xiangnan University, Chenzhou 423000, P. R. China
  • Received:2008-09-22 Revised:2008-10-30 Online:2009-07-25 Published:2009-10-16
  • Contact: LI Qiang-guo. E-mail:
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the Hunan Provincial Educational Ministry Foundation(No.04C635) and the Hunan Provincial Natural Sciences Foundation of China(No.08JJ3014).


[Sm(C7H5O3)2(C4H6NO2S)]·2H2O was synthesized from the reaction of samarium chloride hexahydrate with salicylic acid and thioproline, and characterized by IR, elemental analysis and thermogravimatric analysis. The standard molar enthalpies of the solutions of SmCl3·6H2O(s), 2[C7H6O3(s)], [C4H7NO2S(s)] and [Sm(C7H5O3)2·
(C4H6NO2S)·2H2O(s)] in a mixed solvent of absolute ethyl alcohol, dimethyl formamide(DMF) and 3 mol/L HCl were, respectively, determined by calorimetry to be ΔsHmΘ[SmCl3·6H2O(s), 298.15 K]=(–46.68±0.15) kJ/mol, ΔsHmΘ[2C7H6O3(s), 298.15 K]=(25.19±0.02) kJ/mol, ΔsHmΘ[C4H7NO2S(s), 298.15 K]=(16.20±0.17) kJ/mol and  ΔsHmΘ{[Sm(C7H5O3)2(C4H6NO2S)]·2H2O(s), 298.15 K}=(–81.24±0.67) kJ/mol. The enthalpy change of the reaction SmCl3·6H2O(s)+2C7H6O3(s)+C4H7NO2S(s)=[Sm(C7H5O3)2(C4H6NO2S)]·2H2O(s)+3HCl(g)+4H2O(l) was determined to be ΔrHmΘ=(123.45±0.71) kJ/mol. From the data in the literature, the standard molar formation enthalpy of [Sm(C7H5O3)2(C4H6NO2S)]·2H2O(s) was estimated to be ΔfHmΘ{[Sm(C7H5O3)2(C4H6NO2S)]·2H2O(s), 298.15 K}= (–2912.03±3.1) kJ/mol through Hess’ law.

Key words: Samarium chloride hexahydrate; Salicylic acid; Thioproline; Standard molar formation enthalpy