Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2004, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (4): 457-461.

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Methane Dry Reforming over Alumina Supported Co Catalysts

CHEN Xiao-wei, XIAO Tian-cun, Sergio L. González Cortés, Malcolm L. H. Green   

  1. Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, OX1 3QR, UK
  • Received:2004-06-03 Online:2004-08-24 Published:2011-08-06

Abstract: A series of Co/γ-Al2O3 catalysts were prepared with the impregnation method and characterized by means of the BET specific surface area, X-ray diffraction(XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Laser Raman spectroscopy.The Co/γ-Al2O3 catalysts were activated by using H2, 20% CH4/H2 or CH4, respectively.There was no obvious difference between the activities of the Co/γ-Al2O3 catalyst activated by using the different activation methods for methane dry reforming.The catalytic properties of the Co/γ-Al2O3catalysts with different Co loadings were also investigated.The optimized Co loading for the Co/γ-Al2O3 catalyst pretreated with 20% CH4/H2 is around 12% (mass fraction).

Key words: Methane dry reforming, Alumina supported cobalt catalysts, Catalytic deactivation