Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 2001, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (S1): 38-39.
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SHEN Xu-Wei, Li Mao, Cai Rang, YANG Hong-Peng
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This work was supported by NWUV-KJCXGC of China
Mirabilis himalaica(Edgew.) Heimerl Var.Chinensis Heimerl belonging to the genus Mirabilis are used in Chinese medicine as a remedy for various diseases[1].Its chemical constituents,however,have not been reported so far we have carried out a detailed chemical investigatigation of the seeds and have isolated two new amides along with three known compounds.
SHEN Xu-Wei, Li Mao, Cai Rang, YANG Hong-Peng. Studies on the amide compounds of Mirahilis. Jalajia.L[J]. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2001, 17(S1): 38-39.
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