Design,Synthesis,Anticancer Pharmacology of Actinomycin D Analogues:5,5'-MeSer2-ActD and 5,5,-MeAla2-ActD
NI Jing-Man1, YANG Xiao-Wu2, JIA Zheng-Ping2, PAN Xing-Fu3, WANG Rui2
1. Department of Pharmacy, Lanzhou Medical College, Lanzhou 730000;
2. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000;
3. Department of Chemistry. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000
Supported by:
This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province(ZS001-A23-057-Y)
NI Jing-Man, YANG Xiao-Wu, JIA Zheng-Ping, PAN Xing-Fu, WANG Rui. Design,Synthesis,Anticancer Pharmacology of Actinomycin D Analogues:5,5'-MeSer2-ActD and 5,5,-MeAla2-ActD[J]. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2001, 17(S1): 176-177.