Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1997, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4): 330-335.

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Effect of pH on the Rheology of A1-Mg M iteed Meta1 Hydroxide——Montmorillonite Aqueous Suspension

HOU Wan-guo, SUN De-jun, WU Tao, SONG Shu-e, ZHANG Chun-guang   

  1. Key Laboratory for Colloid and Interf ace Chen istry of State Education Canm fission, Shandong University, Jroan 250100)
  • Received:1996-07-18 Online:1997-12-24 Published:2011-08-17

Abstract: The effects of the pHs of Mtsuspension(pHMt),AMH sol(pHA)and mixedsuspension(pHmix)on the rheology of mixed su sp en sion w ere studied.The mixed suspension consisted of the alum in ium magnesium mixed metal hydroxide(AM H) colloidal prt icles which possessed permanent positive charges and the Na-montmorillon ite(M t)particles which po ssessed permanent nega tive charges.The results showed that the pHs did not affect the Bingham yield poin t(YP)of the mixed suspen sionsin the various pHs(i.e.,pHMt,pHA and pHmix)range of 8—10 almost. When the pH values were above 10 the YPs increased ma rked ly w ith increa sing pHMt and pHmix,but decreased sharply with increasing pHA.The mechanisms of the effect of pH on the rheology of mixed suspensions were also investigated.

Key words: Aluminium magnesium hydroxide, M ontmorillonite, D ispersion, Rheology