Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1997, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 268-275.

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Preparation of YSZ Microporous Membranes on Porous a-Alumina with Metal Chlorides as Precursor

PENG Ding-kun, LIU Tao, YANG Ping-hua, XIA Chang-rong, MENG Guang-yao   

  1. Department of Materilas Science & Engineering, University of Science&Technology of China, He, fei 230026
  • Received:1996-06-02 Online:1997-08-24 Published:2011-08-17
  • Supported by:

    Supported by Fundamental Bureau,Academia Sinica(No. KMX85-16) and National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 29371016).

Abstract: A sol-gel process for YSZ membrane prepared with less expensive chemicals, ZrOCI2·8H20 and YC13, has been developed. The sol viscosity as a function of concentration, acidity and temperature was brane formation processes were also studied. investigated. And gelation and Based on an optimized procedure memhole and crack-free YSZ membranes with the pore size less than 100 nm have obtained on coarse porous a-alumina.

Key words: Microporous membrane, Yittria stablized Zirconia, Sol-gel process, Metal chloride