Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1997, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 262-267.

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Quantum Chemistry Studies on the Heteropoly Bluesof Molybdosilic Series with α-Keggin Structure

FU Qiang, YANG Ming, CHEN Bin, WANC En-Bo, XIE De-Min, JIANG Zhong-Ming,PENG Jun   

  1. Department of Chemistry, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024
  • Received:1996-05-31 Online:1997-08-24 Published:2011-08-17

Abstract: SCC-DV-X method was used for the theoretical calculation of heteropoly an- ion, [SiMo12v1O40]4-, and heteropoly blue anions,[SiMo2v Mo10v1O40]6- and [SiMo4v Mo8v1OO40]8-. The frontier molecular orbitals, orbital energies, Fermi 1evels, the occupied numbers of basis functions, free valences, Mulliken populations and the figure of the total density of states have been obtained. The theoretical analysis indicates that all the atoms in the anions participate in chemical reactions, but Oc and Od have higher chemical activities than other atonts, which is supported by the ex- perimental results. The heteropoly hue anions with the α-Keggin structure distort a little and the levels of valence orbitals demonstrate that [SiMo4v Mo8v1OO40]8- can form a six-electron heteropoly blue anoint by accepting two electrons.

Key words: SCC-DV-Xα method, α-Keggin structure, Fermi level, Mulliken popu- lations