Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1995, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (4): 336-341.

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Effect of Substituting Group on the Calculated Nonlinear Second-Order Optical Susceptibilities of Substituted Thiophene Derivatives with Quinoidlike Conformation

LI Zhi-ru, WANG Xiao-peng, PENG Ji-kang, SUN Chia-chun   

  1. Department of Chemistry and Institute of Theoretical Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun, 130023
  • Received:1994-12-06 Online:1995-12-24 Published:2011-08-17
  • Supported by:

    Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Laboratory of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry of Jilin University and The Key Laboratory for Molecular Spectra and Molecu-lar Structure of Jilin University.

Abstract: Calculations of the nonlinear second-order optical susceptlbilities(βijk)for sub- stituted tl1iophene derivative;with quinoidlike conformation are reported.These systetems possess small dipole moment;and large differences between dipole mo- ments of ground and first-excited states.Geometry optimizations of the molecules investigated were carried out using AM1 method.The calculations were performed using INDO/CImethod comboned with a sum-over-states expression for βjik.The calculated results sbw that the second-order susceptibility is a function of the na- ture and location of substituents and is larger for disubstituted molecules than monosubstituted molecules.Bipolymeric thiophenemetmne with NH2/NO2 groups was calctilated to have a βμ of 79.920 × 10-30 esu.It was found that the NH2 and NO2 groups in above disubstituted molecules are pull-pull groups in ground states,but are usual push-pull groups in the first excited states.

Key words: Nonlinear second-order optical susceptibility, INDO/CI, Substituted thiophene derivatives