Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1995, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (4): 316-322.

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Studies on Colloidal Properties of Mixed Metal Hydroxide-Clay Aqueous Suspension

NOU wan-guo, ZHANG Chun-guang, SUN De-jun, HAN Shu-hua, WANG Guo-ting   

  1. Institute of Colloid and Interface Chemistry, Shandong University, Jinan, 250100
  • Received:1995-03-21 Online:1995-12-24 Published:2011-08-17

Abstract: The electrical property,stability and rheological property of mixed metal hydroxide(MMH)-clay aqueous suspensions were studied via determining elec- trophoretic mobilities,heterocoagulation and rheological parameters.The suspen- sions of MMH-Na-montmorillonite and MMH-Kaolinite may be transformed from negatively charged systems into positively charged systems through changing the ratio of MMHto clav.The increase of MMH content makes the stability of dilute MMH-clay suspensions decreased in negatively chrged systems and increased in positively chrged systems.The complete coagulations at near neutral systems oc- curs.In the concentrated MMH-clay suspension,the steric network structures may be formed between MMH and clay particles,which cause the apparent viscosity(AV)and Bingham yield point(YP) of the suspentqion to increase.There is a suit- able ratio of MMH to clay at which the AVand YPof the suspension attain a maximum value,which in agreement with “bridging theory”of polymer flocculation.

Key words: Mixed metal hydroxide, Clay, Colloidal property, Suspension