Chemical Research in Chinese Universities ›› 1995, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (3): 228-231.
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HUANG Zong-liao1, WANG Xiu-jun1, TONG La-ga1, LI Bai-tao1, WANG Rong-shun1, BEI YOng-ping1
Abstract: Based on the known crystal data, we used the EHMACC(EHMO/CO) methodto calculate the twotlimensional energy band of both undoped and heavily iodine-doped polyacetylene (PA).The results show that (1) I-doping obviously reducesthe niagnitudes of Eg, Eg⊥; (2) in the conducting process along the direction per-pendicular to PAchain, the P-type AOof iodine plays a very important role, i- e.,the conducting bridge to transport the charge between the two neighbor PAchains.I-doping reniarkably increases σT value while the conducting process will reduce theratio magnitude of σ/σ⊥.Therefore, heavily I-doping makes PAchange fromsimeconductor to conductor which obviously has 2-D conductive ability.
Key words: Conductive polymer, 2-D energy band, Electric anisotropy
HUANG Zong-liao, WANG Xiu-jun, TONG La-ga, LI Bai-tao, WANG Rong-shun, BEI YOng-ping. Electric Anisotropy and Two-dimensional Energy Band of Undoped and Heavily Doped Polyacetylene[J]. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 1995, 11(3): 228-231.
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